Technical Big Data Management with an Intelligent Data Lake Notes on Informatica Big Data Management with Intelligent Data Lake Deep Dive and Demo Informatica Big Data Management (BDM) Secure/GovernSecure & Govern, Connect, Ingest, Parse, Extract, Profile, Process, PerformPolyglot
Technical How user behavior on a web app is recorded using tracking snippets (Google Tag Manager) Behind the Code: Using the Data LayerNotes come from this video: We want to know about really detailed user behavior. To do this, requires lots of bits of JavaScript to
Technology False Starts and Little Failures: How (not) to set up SSL (HTTPS) for a WordPress Website hosted on AWS Lightsail Often times in life, we don’t get the opportunity to see behind-the-scenes. We are presented with the outcome. The final piece of work. We see nothing but the what,